An amazing business networking opportunity!
The Rotary E-Club of Global Trekkers are members of one of the largest service organisations in the world--Rotary International. Our core business is serving humanity according to a highly successful business model. Together we connect to improve the lives of others through service projects that enhance health, education, economic development, and the environment, thus advancing international peace.
Next week, we invite you to join us for a very special guest presentation with an extraordinary community-service minded professional and Past District Governor (D5840) from South Central Texas, USA.
Connect with us for a professional business networking session that focuses on educating and connecting like-minded people locally and internationally.

Kristy Vandenberg
Rotary Past District Governor 2021-2022
Kristy is a graduate of the University of Michigan with a Bachelor's degree in Education. She retired as the CEO of the Hill Country Chapter of the American Red Cross in December of 2013, after 6 ½ years with the chapter and a total of 42 years with the organization as a paid staff executive and volunteer.
On January 1st of 2014, responding to a great need, she became the Executive Director of The Ultimate Gift of Life Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Their mission is to increase awareness of the need for registered organ donors in Texas and throughout the United States.
Rotary Service
Kristy is a resident of Kerrville and Gillespie County and enjoys horseback riding, dancing and swimming. She is an active member of the Kerrville Noon Rotary Club where she serves on the Board of Directors and was President for 2018-2019. In 2021-2022, Kristy served as the District Governor for Rotary 5840, which serves 55 clubs in South Central Texas. She is also an active member of the Kerr County United Way Board of Directors. Kristy's LinkedIn Profile

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